Cynthia Joy Paine -
Professional Massage Therapy, Massage Cupping, Reiki & Thai Reflexology in the comfort of your home in Bristol & Norfolk Counties in MA

Stress Relief tips plus MORE!

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Stress and sleep

If you are having a hard time sleeping at night, it could be due to stress. Here are some things to try to help you feel less stressed, and possibly improving your sleep too!


The book I recommend is called Talking to the Wild. It is a collection of poems to read in bed. I definitely recommend you try this book to help you get the much needed sleep every night. Even if you read a page or 2 per night, it should help. They say we shouldn't be watching tv in bed at night. Reading is a preferred way to wind down after a long day. Let me know what you think about this book! Happy dreaming!

Cynthia’s favorite stress relief ideas:

Stress – We all know when we are stressed because we feel it emotionally and/or physically. When I feel stress, my muscles feel extra tight, especially in my head, neck and shoulder areas, and I have this one knot under my right shoulder blade that ONLY bothers me when I am stressed. I also get easily angered, agitated and impatient. If stress becomes overwhelming or chronic, it can be harmful to our health, so it is so important to find relief that will work for you. Try doing things that will bring you back to the present moment, things that will help you experience your senses. I try to do what can bring a smile to my face and lightness in my heart. Here are my favorites:

1. Outdoor walks with my dog, I try to see, smell and hear as much nature as I can.

2. Listening to my favorite music. I like a variety, especially Tom Petty. But sometimes I just need to hear relaxation music without any words.

3. Crafts & hobbies. I like to paint, make jewelry and make gifts using resin.

4. Meditation. I do this EVERY day. I use my FitOn app, and I also have the Chopra meditation & wellbeing app with 21-day meditations that I have been doing for about 3 years now.

There is no 1 stress relieving exercise that will work for all of us, but I hope I have given you some ideas to find out what will work for YOU.



Did you know that there are foods that can actually help us reduce stress? Some foods have certain ingredients that our bodies need to combat stress like Folate, Zinc, Vitamin C, antioxidants, amino acids, etc. Here are 10 foods containing stress-fighting ingredients: 1. Asparagus 2. Avocados 3. Berries 4. Cashews, walnuts 5. Chamomile tea, green tea 6. Dark chocolate 7. Garlic 8. Oatmeal 9. Oranges 10. Oysters

When you add some of these healthy foods to your diet, along with other stress-relieving tips, you will be well on your way living a life with more joy and less stress.


Are you drinking enough water? According to the CDC, Water helps your body:

*Keep a normal temperature.

*Lubricate and cushion joints.

*Protect your spinal cord and other sensitive


*Get rid of wastes through urination, perspiration,

and bowel movements.

Your body needs more water when you are:

*In hot climates.

*More physically active.

*Running a fever.

*Having diarrhea or vomiting.

Did you also know that when your body needs water, it may let you know with a headache or tense shoulders? When you aren't giving your body the fluids it needs, you are putting stress on it, and it will respond negatively to this.


Time to Slow down and live.

In life, it's not always about the destination, or getting to the destination as fast as you can. it's about enjoying your journey along the path you take. Sometimes, there are problems on your journey(roadblocks), but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to choose another path, just find a detour. Life moves fast enough on its own, so SLOW DOWN. See the beauty, and the love. There will always be good times and bad, always know that you are loved, and you have a purpose, to enjoy everything your life has to offer.

Like to snack at night? Here are some of 'the best snacks to eat at night' by CJ:

Before bed, it is best to have a small nutrient-rich snack that is under 200 calories. If you are like me and you LOVE snacks like CHIPS, well then, this switch may be difficult for you, but if you want to sleep better and feel healthier, maybe try it as a replacement of the unhealthy snacks once or twice a week to start.

Here are a few ideas I recommend:

1. Banana + 1 TBS almond butter= 165 cal

2. Crackers (4 whole grain) + cheese (about 28g)=150 cal

3. Pumpkin seeds (1 oz) = 146 cal

Each of these snacks encourages the body to make more melatonin, which can improve your sleep. Let me know if you would like more snack ideas!


Aromatherapy is real!

Scents can help boost your mood, relax you and even reduce stress because your sense of smell works with your brain & helps it to trigger certain positive emotional, neurological & chemical response to the smells you take in.

Here are some of my favorite mood boost/stress relieving scents:

1. Jasmine

2. Rose

3. Citrus-orange, lemon and grapefruit

4. Green apples

5. Chamomile

6. Ylang Ylang

7. Vanilla

8. Coconut

9. Peppermint.

Whether you use the actual flower, fruit or essential oil you will be able to reap all the benefits aroma therapy has to offer.

Having an Aromatherapy massage is even better! 

Please message me to schedule your appointment. I am currently holding appointments on Fridays and Saturdays in your home in the Bristol and Norfolk County areas of Massachusetts only. I am working on an online booking platform for the near future, so please bear with me. Thank you!

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