Cynthia Joy Paine -
Professional Massage Therapy, Massage Cupping, Reiki & Thai Reflexology in the comfort of your home in Bristol & Norfolk Counties in MA

Holistic Wellness Classes, Gifts, more!

Cynthia offers Holistic Wellness Classes


Classes are currently available online or locally only in Massachusetts or Rhode Island


The 5 Reiki principles

1. Just for today, do not worry

If you're a worrier, this Reiki principle will help ground you when you start considering the future. "We all have egos, and they can get in the way, because we feel that we need to live up to someone else's view of ourselves. We make up an imaginary future we want to live and then the present moment becomes a distraction instead of the present." This slows us down to the moment—to just now, just this, just today."

This practice of tapping into faith and breathing into the present moment, may help create significant shifts in our individual and collective consciousness. 

2. Just for today, do not anger

Experiencing anger is not necessarily a bad thing. It signals to us that someone or something has perhaps crossed a boundary.  What actually matters is how we deal with that anger. "When something makes you angry, try to get to the root of it, sit with it for a moment before acting." This is not about suppressing emotions, but rather coming to terms with our anger and peeling away the layers to see what the trigger is.

3. Just for today, be humble

Our ego can be a bit of a showoff, especially when we've done something great, and this Reiki intent encourages us to bring it down a notch. "Our ego loves to take credit for its accomplishments and get thanks for its giving. If you notice your ego getting a boost off of compliments and how wonderful you are, let yourself bow down to your spirit every once and a while and love simply to love. Also, it helps to be appreciative of how kind others are to you. 

4. Just for today, be honest

Being your most authentic self is a great and extremely rewarding goal to strive for, but in practice, it can be a very challenging. We grow up trying to fit in and be accepted, when the most important thing is to honor and love yourself as you are. 

So instead of trying to make yourself fit a specific mold to be accepted or hide the truth of who you are, use this ideology as a prompt to let your real self-shine through. The beauty of the "just for today" part of the mantra is that it urges you to focus on taking just one baby step today and then repeat tomorrow, and so forth. 

5. Just for today, be compassionate toward yourself and others

Compassion is the remedy to judgment and anger. This reiki principle is a hint to cut ourselves and others some slack and to give the benefit of the doubt when possible. Practicing compassion, of course, isn't always an easy thing to do, though. 

If you are interested in attending a training, please send me a message!

Current Trainings available:

* Reiki I

* Reiki II

* Reiki Master

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